Sunday, September 4, 2011

Life spinning faster than the Earth's rotation.

The Earth rotates in a fairly slow and steady  predicatable manner.  My life is spinning out of control like it has been hit by a meteorite. Have been dealing with a major medical crisis 1200 miles away.  Thank goodness for my husband who was able to immediately fly to  New York and help my 90 year old mother.  In the process of this I got a new supervisor that did not want any new responsibilities.  So our weekly, "Get to Know You Meetings"  been a weekly character assassination.  My husband is back from  New York and we are frantically getting a room ready for my mother to move from New York to Iowa. It is a good thing, she is great to have around,  just about 6 months earlier than we had planned.  But as John Lennon said, Life happens when you are making other plans.

On to the Bead Scene:  Erin sent me a beautiful package of goodies for the bead swap.  I finally got  my beads sent back to her.  It was like the little package that never got mailed.  So I am looking forward to going outside and taking a breath while I make something fun with what I got from the Bead Swap.